Thursday, October 11, 2007

Let Freedom Ring! part 2

Counter PSYOP

(Part 2)

“He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself” – Thomas Paine

Abu Ghraib Torture

The “Torture Memos”

A transparent cue of a republic gong wrong is when torture becomes justified as a means of obtaining HUMINT (Human Intelligence). In other words, when authorities begin torturing people to obtain information; it means bad news for everyone.

The infamous Bybee Memo was sent from Assistant Attorney General Jay S. Bybee to Alberto R. Gonzales. The Aug. 1, 2002 dated document rendered wording from the Geneva Convention & a 1994 UN convention on torture to the U.S. administration’s own definition. Torture in their words, is pain that is “equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death." It must be done with “specific intent” to be considered torture.

Through these “torture memos,” the Executive branch and the DoJ have set a precedent for interpretive denial of torture. Torture can now be described as “pressure” or “stress or duress.” Techniques to deflect criticism of torture such as extraordinary rendition (or Torture by proxy) involve transferring suspects marked for extreme interrogation to black sites. In effect, those responsible for this are making torture, of all things, politically correct.

These broad definitions leave room for all sorts of real torture and interrogation methods to be used. The Bybee and other “torture memos” include the “ticking time bomb” scenario: what should the government do, if someone with apparent first-hand knowledge of a major terrorist plot is in custody? If traditional interrogation does not yield information, should authorities torture the suspect to obtain potentially life-saving information? The DoJ’s Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Yoo’s answer: “Well, I think in this area, I think the Justice Department had long thought that Congress couldn't limit the commander-in-chief power; that Congress cannot tell the president how to exercise his judgment as commander in chief.”

The “ticking time bomb” scenario is very unlikely to ever occur. It is also questionable what results torture would have on a person who would already be ready to die for their cause. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, former Al-Qaeda member, confessed to nearly everything under “pressure.” In the mainstream media, talk of him being torture was panned, but it is clear he was. It is also clear that torture does not yield legitimately truthful information. He was arrested in 2003, and by March of 2007, had confessed to a plot against a Plaza Bank in Washington State. The problem is, this Plaza Bank was not even founded until 2006; making it nearly impossible for him to have been a part of any plot against it. Former CIA officer Bob Baer wrote, “There exists videotape footage of the execution that minimizes KSM's role. And if KSM did indeed exaggerate his role in the Pearl murder, it raises the question of just what else he has exaggerated, or outright fabricated.

Still, despite the endless debate as to whether torture could actually provide legitimate information key to saving American lives, it is wrong. It is wrong, because not only does it not yield “workable” information, but it is un-American. Yes, torturing our enemies is un-American!

Our government apparently thinks otherwise. According to our Justice Department, the decision to torture someone to obtain information would come down to the President’s decision. On Dec. 1, 2006, human rights scholar & Notre Dame professor had this exchange with John Yoo:

Cassel: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?

Yoo: No treaty.

Cassel: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.

Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

Yoo implies that the President can order to torture the children of an “enemy combatant” if the President has a “reasonable cause”…Everyone should be outraged at this. This line of thinking goes back to the distortion of the Constitution that began with the Patriot Act. To suggest that torture of children is fine when the President makes a decision to do so, is paramount to the completion of an evil dystopian society.

Torture is un-American. It is not only unethical, it is evil. Torturers are considered to be among the evilest people to forensic psychiatrists. Tormenting the enemy combatants indefinitely held is what the real Islamic fascists and extremists want our government to do, to agitate the beehive that is the Mideast. President Bush claimed that we were attacked on 9-11 because of our freedom. If this is so, and we give up our liberties, and treat enemy combatants inhumanely, we are doing what the terrorists want Americans to do!

Islamic fascists & terrorists want us to bend laws and sidestep our sacred liberty to “fight the war on terror.” These terrorists want America to weaken from the inside. Al-Qaeda wants our own fears to fuel the fire that will ignite our own Bill of Rights and Constitution, indeed our own American ideals. This is simply the historical precedent of how terrorists operate! Yet, when we have given up our own freedom and approved torture of other human beings, the terrorists have already won!

Let Freedom Ring! (and let Big Brother record it?!)

Counter PSYOP

(Part 1)

The foundation that the Global War on Terrorism is built on is one of the September 11th terrorist attacks; based on “Islamic-fascists” Mujahideen committing Jihad against the U.S.A. Even though there is much evidence contrary to the official “conspiracy theory”; the outcome of the Global War on Terror and its domestic implications are likely greater than the attacks themselves. The reaction has been a more severe variable in the equation than the problem in itself.

The Patriot Act was almost certainly written prior to the 9/11 attacks. The 342-page bill went from being distributed to being passed in hours. Legislator after legislator have admitted that they did not have a chance to read it. Yet, they use the Orwellian title of “Patriot” Act on a piece of legislation in the wake of 9/11. Sadly, even a legislative document that distorts the interpretation of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, our liberty itself can be passed easily in the Congress of the 21st century.

We shall not give up our liberty as citizens despite the fact a great tragedy took place because of a terrorist organization called Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda, a group translated literally “the Base” as in the database file on CIA computers that contained lists of Mujahideen. These are the same Islamic radicals our intelligence services used to fight a proxy war against Soviets in 80’s Afghanistan. The same Al-Qaeda that helped trained the Kosovo Liberation Army; the faction the U.S.A. supported in the Kosovo conflict.

I'd like to reiterate - It is not American to give up our liberty for Al-Qaeda, oligarchs, authoritarians, cures to disease, or a solution to climate change. We should never let go of our freedom, regardless the reason. I for one, would rather walk the streets in fear and yet a freeman; as opposed to walking among a completely controlled and oppressed nation.

Edmund Burke once said, “Whenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe.”

Much legislation has been passed since 9/11 (and prior to it, of course) that drastically endangers our freedom as United States Citizens; as human beings.

I would say the following are the prime suspects in setting this dangerous precedent: The Patriot Act, the Real ID Act, the “Torture memos,” the Military Commissions Act, and the John Werner Defense Act, in addition to Presidential Directives.

The Patriot Act

The chief problem with the Patriot Act (H. R. 3162) is this: While eroding our rights by allowing comprehensive surveillance, it also acts to remove the vital checks & balances that were put into place by our founding fathers to prevent jeopardizing the Republic. (Contrary to what I was taught in American public schools, America is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.) The Act is also written in a manner that it covers civil issues and crime, although it was supposedly written to address specifically terrorism. This has resulted in all sorts of abuses, not to mention taxpayer money.

Much has been written about it, so I will briefly cover some of the more disturbing details. The travesty that is § 213 allows secret “sneak & peak” searches of your home or business by the authorities, without a warrant. All that is needed is “reasonable cause.” From the Patriot Act analysis by Electronic Privacy Information Center ( “This significant change in the law applies to all government searches for material that "constitutes evidence of a criminal offense in violation of the laws of the United States" and is not limited to investigations of terrorist activityThe expansion of this extraordinary authority to all searches constitutes a radical departure from Fourth Amendment standards and could result in routine surreptitious entries by law enforcement agents.

§ 215 allows the FBI to request "the production of any tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents, and other items)" if it is deemed relevant to an investigation. The FBI can then issue a National Security Letter, to notify your postman, librarian, Internet Service Provider (ISP), cell provider, etc. about their “reasonable cause” for surveillance. This situation of a service-provider complying with them to spy on you, or risking their career and their own rights to protect yours, is a tragic case study in 21st century America.

§ 503 actually stipulates collection of a DNA database, ostensibly for terrorism, but the writing is so broad that any citizen committing “any crime of violence” would be subject to being forced to submit a DNA sample.

Congress couldn’t just destroy the country in one piece of legislation though, so more work had to be done. The government is using incremental legislation in order to eventually produce their desired dystopian effect.

"Uploading minds" to solve overpopulation

Nanotechnology Now

Wednesday (July 25th...) at Transvision 2007, Marvin Minsky, the artificial intelligence guru who heads up MIT's Media Lab, puckishly suggested we could solve any population problem by uploading the minds of 10 billion people and running them on a computer that occupies a few cubic meters and costs only a few hundred dollars to run.


Revolution of Accelerating Info: Beyond Tech

Wiring your brain & central nervous system (CNS) to the "Wired"...

Counter PSYOP exclusive

Forget the iPhone, the near-distant future may be a world of infinite potential for technological achievement yet a danger of paradigm shift so great it could change civilization as we perceive it today.


The time is now for the revolution of the emerging and converging technologies of the early 21st century technology:
-(Genetics, Nanotech, and Robotics) or NBIC (Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno) Perhaps most interestingly to me personally, Cognotech (advanced neurotechnology) could unlock the key to "hacking" our own consciousness. The flipside to this is it will be possible to literally "get inside someone's head" as well. These descendants of the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Age could make anything possible.

GNR is so powerful it could
easily potentially destroy the 85-95% of the human population; implementing the extreme population control as advocated by Malthusian eugenicists worldwide. Like antimatter, it also has the capability to destroy the entire planet. Genetic tech could lead to advanced medicine practice, minimizing nearly all health problems. Nanotech, would integrate or converge with all other technologies; and could revolutionize everyday (literally) down to even mundane minutiae. Getting a shot at the doctor's would no longer sting, because it would now be essentially noninvasive. A nanobot will now adminster the medicine.

A nanobot inside the body could help healing processes like repairing cells

Robotics, especially AI (artificial intelligence), could metamorphosize work, war, weapons and beyond. At the true cutting edge of IT, Quantum computers would be virtually completely secure; as well as make the most powerful conventional supercomputers of research facilities seem like an antiquated, early home computing-era desktop PC.

It would be wise to advise that not only do these converging technologies hold the key to the future; but may also be the door to a utopian or dystopian global society. GNR can either unlock mankind's true potential or seal its fate. Advanced tech could make our lives longer and more enjoyable but it could also enslave the entire race in a total dicatatorial police state - governed by high-tech surveillance and profiling. Even now, America's armed forces are using increasingly large amounts of UAVs (Unmanned Air Vehicles) and UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles). The DoD and other military forces have the military-industrial complex busy as a beehive building full armies of these drones. AI will become so advanced that by 2015, drones may compose the majority of the force.

Fleet of the future: UAV drone craft like this X-7 Pegasus

The Technological Singularity & Transhumanism

Many futurists, researchers, sci-fi authors, and technophiles have all anticipated and referred to a technological "singularity". This singularity is the theory that, according to the exponential rate that technologies are advancing at, the birth of transhumanism will make history. In the words of the World Transhumanist Foundation, "We support the development of and access to new technologies that enable everyone to enjoy better minds, better bodies and better lives." In theory, with the use of these converging technologies, this
singularity will make people god-like and literally immortal. With the combination of AI , cognotech such as brain-computer interfaces, advances in health through biotech, genetics, and molecular engineering, the singularity's blueprint for the transhuman is here & now.

(Click image to enlarge) Diagram of a specific transhuman prototype, zoom in to see the different "components

The singularity theory, a massive paradigm shift, requires extremely accelerated change. It's already here though, Moore's Law may already be obsolete. Commentators on all this have mentioned these events c
ould develop so quick we could face a cinematic-like scenario of man vs. machine.

related links:

DARPA says a soldier's brain can be monitored in real time, with an EEG picking up "neural signatures" that indicate target detection. (Image: DARPA)

"Social networking" sites seeded by intel agencies?

The possibility for a complete public & private surveillance grid is not even a possibility anymore; it is reality and the only question is: how much are you being tracked, traced, filmed, and recorded? To what extent is your privacy "bent"?

It occurred to me that "social networking" sites like MySpace, Friendster, and other sites are like an intelligence agencies' dream come true.

What if these sort of sites were designed and/or promoted by intel agencies like the NSA, CIA, MI5/MI6, and Mossad?

On MySpace, people volunteer to reveal their likes, dislikes, personality, and even census-like statistics - virtually profiling themselves. Any of you who have researched the data-mining systems like Echelon, TALON, Promis, etc., would know full well these sort of (social networking) sites are prime for data mining...

Intelligence gathering disciplines

  • HUMINT - Human Intelligence - gathered from a person on the ground.
  • GEOINT - Geospatial Intelligence - gathered from satellite, aerial photography, mapping/terrain data
    • IMINT - Imagery Intelligence - gathered from satellite and aerial photography
  • MASINT - Measurement and Signature Intelligence
    • ACINT - Acoustic Intelligence - gathered from acoustical sources
    • CBINT - Chemical and Biological Intelligence - gathered from chemical and biological weapons and hazards
    • DEWINT - Directed Energy Weapon Intelligence - gathered from weapon related radio frequency, microwave, electromagnetic pulse, laser, and particle beams
    • Effluent/Debris Collection - gathered from atmospheric effluents and debris
    • EOINT - Electro-Optical Intelligence - gathered from optical monitoring of the electromagnetic spectrum
      • IRINT - Infrared Intelligence - gathered from the infrared spectrum
      • LASINT - Laser Intelligence - gathered from laser systems
    • MATINT - Materials Intelligence
    • NUCINT - Nuclear Intelligence - gathered from the analysis of radiation
    • RADINT - Radar Intelligence - gathered from radar sources. Note that this is often considered to be part of ELINT (q.v.).
    • RF/EMPINT - Radio Frequency/Electromagnetic Pulse Intelligence - gathered from radio frequency and electromagnetic pulse emissions
    • Spectroscopic Intelligence
  • OSINT - Open Source Intelligence - gathered from open sources
  • SIGINT - Signals Intelligence - gathered from interception of signals
    • COMINT - Communications Intelligence
    • ELINT - Electronic Intelligence - gathered from non-communications electronic emissions
  • TECHINT - Technical Intelligence - gathered from analysis of weapons and equipment used by the armed forces of foreign nations
  • FININT - Financial Intelligence - gathered from analysis of monetary transactions
  • MEDINT - Medical Intelligence - gathered from analysis of medical records and/or actual physiological examinations to determine health and/or particular ailments/allergetic conditions for exploitation.